Will you please support the Kingston Midtown Arts District (MAD) with a year-end tax deductible contribution?

With your generous support, MAD will continue to:

  • produce the monthly 1st Saturday map and distribute copies to galleries, exhibitors and businesses throughout Kingston.
  • fund and promote art programs for under-resourced youth in Midtown Kingston.
  • maintain our MAD website and its free registry of Kingston-based artists and arts-related businesses.
  • mount and promote pop-up arts shows that allow artists to participate at little or no cost.
  • produce and promote the spectacular annual Celebration of the Arts which features remarkable local talent in a free concert every summer.

Your support says you care about your community and recognize the power of the arts to lift all boats.

Thank you!

Anne Bailey
MAD Board of Directors

MAD is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization that seeks to unite, revitalize and enrich the community through the arts. We are building upon the City of Kingston’s reputation as an arts-friendly place in which to live, work and play. Our goal is to ensure inclusive and equitable community and economic development for everyone.

All donations are tax deductible.

Your support inspires us to continue our work.