Mission and Objectives
The Kingston Midtown Arts District (MAD) mission is to unite, revitalize and enrich the community through the arts. We are focused on building upon the City of Kingston’s existing assets and reputation as an arts-friendly place in which to live, work and play, while remaining inclusive of and equitable to all.
- To establish a clear arts identity for the City’s urban center and create distinct physical features to define the Midtown Arts District;
- To welcome visitors to the Midtown Arts District, and connect it to the City’s Uptown and Rondout neighborhoods through the arts and cultural activities;
- To strengthen the City’s economic base and cultural tourism industry by attracting and welcoming new arts-related businesses, organizations, craftspeople and artists (performing, literary and visual);
- To foster communication and collaboration among artists, businesses, residents and local government to support common goals and a thriving arts-infused community;
- To initiate and endorse arts events and educational opportunities that demonstrate how the arts improve our quality of life.