NOTE: This is a work in progress.

MAD Name
The first instance/mention in a communication is the full name:

Kingston Midtown Arts District

Subsequent Mentions

Midtown Arts District
Arts District

Avoid Possessive

Kingston’s Midtown Arts District



MAD Definition
adjective \ mad \

  • very enthusiastic about someone or something: I’m mad about sculpture. This is an arts-mad city.
  • great, remarkable: I have mad respect for musicians. She has mad skills on the oboe. 
  • very, extremely: Murals are mad cool. They’ve really brought our streets to life. 

MAD Descriptions  W-I-P
We will have a couple of these in varying lengths (this one is 63 words. I suggest we could use one that’s very short, ie, 25 words and maybe even a longer one, too).

Short Description

What is MAD?
The Kingston Midtown Arts District seeks to unite, revitalize, and enrich the community through the arts. We are building upon the City’s reputation as an arts-friendly place in which to live, work and play, and the more than 400 artists and arts enterprises already operating in Midtown, to ensure inclusive and equitable community development and economic revitalization for everyone living and working in Midtown.

Very Short Description

To come.